Monday, September 17, 2007

The 59th Primetime Emmy Awards - "Sopranos" and "30 Rock" Win

It was Television's biggest night but ever bigger for "The Sopranos" as the cast and crew took a few coveted Emmys in what seemed to be a night of tribute for the 10-year run of the recently concluded drama series. Ryan Seacrest hosted the 2007 Emmy Awards which were held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, Sunday night, September 16.

HBO, the home network for "The Sopranos", led over the ABC and NBC TV networks with a total of 21 honors since the Creative Arts Emmys last September 8.

This year's Emmys is also touted to be a first being an eco-friendly carbon-neutral airing of the awards show. The distinction comes as part of the "Green with Emmy" campaign aimed at reducing the carbon footprint the Primetime Emmy Awards have to the global climate. Coincidentally (or not), controversial environmental champion former VP Al Gore was present to receive an award for "Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Television". Mr. Gore along with co-awardee Joel Hyatt began the Current TV cable television network, which airs produced mostly by viewers themselves.

Compared to the results of the Daily Dotventures' Choose "Your Own Emmys!" poll, only the Sopranos win echoed the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards selections. This supports what I've long suspected - that bloggers and web users don't watch television anymore. :)

So here are the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' 59th Primetime Emmy top winners:
  • Drama: "The Sopranos," HBO.
  • Comedy: "30 Rock," NBC.
  • Actor, Comedy Series: Ricky Gervais, "Extras," HBO.
  • Actor, Drama Series: James Spader, "Boston Legal," ABC.
  • Actress, Drama Series: Sally Field, "Brothers & Sisters," ABC.
  • Actress, Comedy Series: America Ferrera, "Ugly Betty," ABC.
Click here for more information on the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards.

Congratulations to the winners! 'Til the next Emmys.


Anonymous said...

Remember that not all TV shows in the emmys are actually shown to the rest of the world. Hey... the sopranos are an HBO show and cant even be seen by most cable house holds in america. 'weeds' and the like by showtime have it even worse. I mean... have you really seen 30 Rock in the Philippines??? The Emmy's in the end is just that... for the upper echelon
I way that other countries can pick what to broadcast. (it took 2 seasons before 'Friends' was seen in the Philippines)

EA said...

Thanks anonymous. You get around a lot don't you? :)

You're absolutely right about the disparity in the representation of television programs in the Emmys. That, even as according to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences they've already made adjustments in the screening and voting process to make it more representative. Ricky Gervais' win apparently proves that point. Go figure.

Many viewers I think snobbed the awards this year because they're favorite shows didn't get nominated despite the fact that these have shown excellence in their programs.

Precisely the reason why I set up the ill-fated Vote for Your Own Emmys poll here at Daily Dotventures, which should have paved the way for the uber-Emmys where people ought to have nominated their own faves. Oh well.

BTW, I have seen "30 Rock" via cable. I'm one of the few dozens Tina Fey mentioned in her speech that watch the show. :)

Thanks again anonymous.

A little sidenote: Just a quick hello to the people at The Canadian Press particularly the office of the Entertainment Editor for acknowledging the email "heads up" I sent them the day of the Emmys. Glad to be of help.

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